Asheville, North Carolina May 4 – May 8, 2013

The purpose of going to Asheville was to begin exploring North Carolina.  We knew at the outset that the weather forecast predicted rain for the entire 3 days we planned to be there, but we were still hoping for some great photo opportunities.  Plus, it would give us an opportunity to look for great locations we could return to in the fall.

Of course it was raining the first day of our visit, so we decided it would be a perfect day to stay inside and visit the Biltmore Estate.




The weather was much better the next day, May 6th. We drove the “Mountain Waters Scenic Byway” from Highlands, NC – Franklin, NC – Beechertown, NC – Almond, NC.  The scenery was gorgeous with numerous waterfalls due to the heavy rains in recent days.  The most spectacular was Dry Falls just outside of Highlands, NC on Highway 64.








Another picture of Dry Falls.  For you “Last of the Mohicans” fans, you will recognize this location from the movie.


the cove chapel_1Our last day in Asheville, May 7th, was spent touring Billy Graham’s training center, The Cove, in the morning and Chimney Rock in the afternoon.  The Cove was very inspirational and beautiful.  We could easily have spent a few days here.

the cove chapel_2

chimney rock_1



We left the Cove around noon and drove to Chimney Rock.  It’s a beautiful one hour drive and soon after leaving the Cove, the sky became darker with rain approaching.





chimney rock_2


Rob continued the climb up the Skyline Trail towards Exclamation Point.  Here is the view from the “Opera Box” looking back towards Chimney Rock




devils head

This is Devil’s Head.




Rob continued the climb to Exclamation Point. However, the rain had moved back in by this time and a park ranger asked him to vacate the area because the trail was closing due to the rains.

Overall, this was a successful trip.  We didn’t get any really eye popping photographs, but we did find some great places we can return to in the fall when the colors really begin to explode.

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